The Traveling Kentucky Vietnam Wall, Inc. is introducing a very important projectfor all the Veterans, families, friends, and communities in Kentucky. Our Project is to construct a Kentucky State Traveling Vietnam Wall that will serve as a Memorial for all Kentucky Vietnam Veterans who served during the Vietnam War. This Wall will only include the names of the Kentuckians who were killed in action, held as Prisoners of War, and those still Missing in Action on the soil of South Vietnam, North Vietnam seaways and Theater of Operation. This includes over 1105 Kentuckians who are true Heroes that gave their lives in the Vietnam War for their country and this proud state.
The Traveling Kentucky Vietnam Wall, Inc. will travel though out the state of Kentucky and visit every county. The Wall will not have a permanent home. Our intent is to take it to the communities and the public who may not have the opportunity to visit the Wall in Washington D. C. , or have not had the opportunity to visit one of the Mobile Walls. This Wall is a dedication for all Kentuckians and will provide all Kentuckians an opportunity to remember and pay homage to those who gave their all.
We will be publishing the names of individuals, Veterans Service Organizations, and other Community Service Organizations who have made contributions to this project in our information book that will be available whenever the Wall is displayed. We will be pleased to accept and honor any donation to aid in our efforts in this endeavor.
For Tax deductible contributions: Tax Identification Number
Jack Mattingly, President
The Traveling Kentucky Vietnam Wall, Inc.
The Traveling Kentucky Vietnam Wall